ALRIGHT, so I went to this program (more like a disciplinary/rehab/reform/behavior modification school)
and to graduate you have to follow all of these rules and regulations, progress in levels and points, and wear these
weird looking catholic school girl uniforms... Anyways, this is my best friend who looked up to me a lot while I attended
the Academy at Ivy Ridge (a program school in Ogdensburg, NY). She got level 4 (service status) after I transfered
to Darrington Academy (yet another program in Blue Ridge, GA) a little after I turned 18. I am SOOO proud of her, and
really hope to get back in touch with her. ALICIA!!!!!!! IF YOU'RE OUT THERE, GIVE ME A BUZZZZZZ!!!!! My cell #: 843-478-5740.
Or send me an email,
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